Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Snow Globe common Problems

The most common problem people make with snow globes is shutting them off during the night.When you shut them off at night you can get moisture from the dew.And if it rains at night you may get rain inside that depending where you live may freeze up inside.This will cause a major problem and the snow (pellets) will stick together and not go thru the blower motor.So I think this is a design problem that Gemmy needs to correct. But that wont help all of us that already own these inflatables.If you have any of these problems listed above like moisture,dew or even rain.Please just run the inflatable for a day or so and the blowers circulation should dry out the inside of the inflatable for you.If all else fails then I would recommend that you go to your local supermarket and purchase a box of DampRid (disposable moisture absorbers)and place just one on the bottom of your inflatable.


  1. Great post ... thanks for the info
    This info is virtually identical to one I've used many times. It's great.!


  2. I too operate an inflatable Christmas collection. I have been collecting for 16 years and display currently has 300+ units. I too have to keep these things going and am trying some new solutions every year. If you wish to communicate via E-mail, let me know @natpetfd@aol.com. Here is a link to channel 10 report on the display. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=3748626371481&oid=145684565454205&saved

  3. I am having some major problems with my gemmy snowglobe. It's an older model but was barely ever put up because after getting it I moved to an apartment. I put it up (14 ft. Model) and it worked. Then it rained and I have had nice weather for five to six days now and keep trying to get it to inflate. No luck. I have only one zipper at the top. The base of my globe is fine, and inflated. The snow blower inside is working... No holes that I can see... Ideas?

  4. Dec 29, 2015 my inflatable bear lights working good, the face rotor work good but the motor the TH-BL3-N don't work at all is possible to send the engine motor for repairs to an electrician. Because Gemmy customer service and parts is not helping at all. I collect inflatables, and I believe an electrician will help to solve my problem. Any suggestions??

    1. http://www.yardinflatables.com/Gemmy-TH-BL3-N-1-Replacement-Fan-Base-Lights_p_1299.html

  5. I found this is an informative and interesting post so i think so it is very useful and knowledgeable. I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article.

  6. Do you know anyway to fix the blue tube that disperses the snow pellets i bought the snow globe off of someone didn't realize it was broken
